Big Small Conditionl Cooperative Link to World Steward Home Page Link to Eden Project



What is bigSMALL?

What is “A Conditional Cooperative”?

How is it organized?

Where are the projects located?

What project criteria will be followed?

Where are the funds held?

What’s in it for me?

»Where do I sign up?

How do I let friends and colleagues know about bigSMALL?

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Where do I sign up?


If you are engaged by the idea of building community ecosystem partnerships around the world through Conditional Cooperation-- small folk acting conditionally to form a large group and effect-- then the bigSMALL communication team would like to hear from you.

Send us a brief email ( describing of your interest (why is this important to you?) and relevant skills (what can bring to advance this work?) and a statement whether or not you think you can recruit at least ten friends who would join in bigSMALL's first cooperative investment together.

Interested in working with 10,000 people committed to act on the same day to accomplish a large good work together? Let's hear from you.

Contact us:


Your name and e-mail address are kept 100% private and not shared with or sold to others.



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